
Longer Videos Are Making A Comeback
Tim Marner Tim Marner

Longer Videos Are Making A Comeback

Remember when TikTok was all about those quick, snappy videos? Not anymore. The app that's been ruling the short-form video scene is now giving creators the green light to stretch their videos to up to 10 minutes long!

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The Barking Bakery Flies To Interzoo, Germany
Tim Marner Tim Marner

The Barking Bakery Flies To Interzoo, Germany

We were thrilled to see our friends and clients from The Barking Bakery make an appearance at the Interzoo trade fair in Nuremberg! Interzoo isn't just any trade fair. It's the ultimate pet playground and provides a global stage for businesses to show off their innovative products and designs.

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Why Should You Use Social Media Ads In 2024?
Tim Marner Tim Marner

Why Should You Use Social Media Ads In 2024?

I mean, why shouldn't you? We all know social media is a passive part of everyone's lives; it's where we look up an old friend, research a company, or watch reviews. It's a prime opportunity for you to speak to your audience.

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How To Market To Gen Z
Tim Marner Tim Marner

How To Market To Gen Z

When it comes to Gen Z, throw everything you thought you knew about marketing out the window. Gen Z'ers, born in the late 90s to 2000s, make up about 30% of the population and should not be forgotten about!

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So Meal Prep Isn't Just Chicken And Rice?
Tim Marner Tim Marner

So Meal Prep Isn't Just Chicken And Rice?

In the world of fitness and health, meal prep is a word that's thrown around more than a kettlebell at a CrossFit class. But it's not just for John the PT or Sarah the Influencer; it's for anyone and everyone.

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Wait, Pepsi had another rebrand?!
Tim Marner Tim Marner

Wait, Pepsi had another rebrand?!

Just like you're thinking, right now, we were also like, wow, Pepsi had a rebrand, but when Gaz walked past the new branding in the shop, we knew we had to have our say about it.

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A Tribute To Amy Winehouse: The New Back To Black Movie
Tim Marner Tim Marner

A Tribute To Amy Winehouse: The New Back To Black Movie

A few years ago, we had the privilege of working with screenwriter Matt Greenhalgh when we collaborated to shape his personal brand. From capturing striking photography to designing a captivating website, our goal was to authentically represent Matt's unique voice and creative essence.

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Quantity Vs Quality: How Do You Create Quality Content?
Tim Marner Tim Marner

Quantity Vs Quality: How Do You Create Quality Content?

Quantity vs quality content marketing is the choice between producing a large volume of content or focusing on creating fewer, higher-quality pieces. The key to good marketing is knowing that quality vs quantity should apply to all your forms of content marketing, such as social media, blog posts, videos, and email campaigns.

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What Is The ThruDark Logo Meaning? Who Are The Founders Of ThruDark?
Tim Marner Tim Marner

What Is The ThruDark Logo Meaning? Who Are The Founders Of ThruDark?

ThruDark was founded by Louis Tinsley and Anthony 'Staz' Stazicker. Both ThruDark owners are former special forces who first met in the line of duty. ThruDark was born out of the constant requirement for the best clothing and equipment to assist people in navigating through adversity.

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What Is Branding & Why Is It Important?
Tim Marner Tim Marner

What Is Branding & Why Is It Important?

Branding serves as a powerful tool for businesses, offering a unique identity and establishing a strong presence in the market. Branding isn't just a company logo; it plays a vital role in shaping how customers perceive a company.

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